SECOT Co.,Ltd.
Service Overview
SECOT is an established environmental, safety and monitoring service company, providing high quality and full consultancy service to both government agencies and industries. Over one decade, SECOT staff have been actively involved in all-aspects of safety and environmental management, environmental quality monitoring and meteorological measurement, impact assessment and modeling of air quality-noise-major hazard and risk associated with industrial operation.
Mobile CEM Laboratory
To generate environmental solutions that focus on individual client needs, SECOT maintains an experienced staff with a wide range of expertise, backed by sophisticated technology including sampling, testing and monitoring equipment, laboratory facility and software tools.
Past Performance
SECOT past performance in environmental and safety services highlights the company's expertise in managing concurrent projects for  extremely diversified clients. Our standard of workmanship is demonstrated in that majority of our clients return to SECOT, systematically pleased with our response time, cost controls, and consistently high level of service and quality controls. Some of representative clients for which SECOT provides environmental and safety services include :
l  Coal-fired, oil and gas-fired power
    generation facilities
l  Cogeneration and turbine facilities
l  Cement and lime production facilities
l  Petroleum refineries
l  Petrochemical
l  Chemical production facility
l  Secondary metal smelters
l  Paper and pulp production facilities
l  Waste incinerators
l  Industrial estate
l  Government agencies
For more information, please call +66 (0) 2959-3600
                                           fax +66 (0) 2959-3535
  Last Update  13 June 2014
Copyright 2003 SECOT Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.